Website Maintenance

Website Maintenance, Site Security, Support!

Apiera Technologies is a top website maintenance services company, helping businesses across the globe improve the performance and security of their websites. Whether you’re looking for a monthly, hourly, or after-hours website maintenance plan, Apiera Technologies provides the experience and expertise your company demands.

What do website maintenance services include?

As a part of our website maintenance services, your company receives access to the following:

  • Regular updates
  • Tech support
  • Website maintenance

For a quick summary, here are some examples of updates included in our packages:

  • Text: Additions or deletions.
  • Photos: Additions, deletions, and basic retouching.
  • Pages: Additions or deletions using existing page design.
  • Navigation: Basic navigational changes (add, move, or delete an item in the navigation).
  • File downloads: Additions or deletions of PDFs and other documents.
  • Videos: Insertion or deletion of a pre-edited video.
  • Links: Additions or deletions.
  • Color and background images: Changes or replacements.

Note: This is an example of services included in the website maintenance plans and is not a complete list.

Need help?

Our award-winning support team is available 24x7.